pycsw turns 10!

07 December 2020 05:34:39 - by Tom Kralidis

10 years – Happy birthday pycsw! 🎉

This year (02 December) marks the 10th anniversary of the pycsw project. From the initial commit on SourceForge, and subsequent announcement, of the project, pycsw has evolved into a stable, production ready and core spatial data infrastructure (SDI) component for disseminating metadata via the OGC CSW specification.

pycsw powers numerous high profile open data / SDI activities, including US, LINZ,, IOOS, NOAA, WMO WOUDC, UN WFP, Copernicus and GEOSS. The flexible nature of the project has also resulted in integration with leading open data management systems such as CKAN and GeoNode.

From day one, pycsw has always strived to be OGC Compliant. The project continues to be a leading OGC Reference Implementation of CSW. In addition, pycsw continues as a long standing OSGeo project and a core component of the growing ecosystem of geopython projects for the open source geospatial community.

Future plans

The project will continue to evolve into the future. pycsw’s flexible nature will continue to support new metadata formats, as well as integration with downstream applications. To support OGC CSW as a baseline OGC web service specification, as well as the evolving OGC API efforts to modernize web service APIs, pycsw will continue to support CSW 2/3, as well as the emerging OGC API - Records specification.

Thank you to the pycsw community, OSGeo, OGC and beyond for your support and use of our lightweight, flexible and OGC compliant metadata catalogue server – happy birthday pycsw!


The pycsw Project Steering Committee