01 October 2014 09:03:32 - by Tom Kralidis
Angelos’ presentation from PDX is now online.
Data.gov/Geoplatform.gov CSW implementation through pycsw and CKAN integration — Angelos Tzotsos, NTUA from FOSS4G on Vimeo.
We’re also pleased to have released 1.10.0 from the code sprint.
#pycsw 1.10.0 released! #foss4g OGC OpenSearch Geo/Time, OAI-PMH) and more. http://t.co/ZKQ8gDnvDj. Live from PDX! pic.twitter.com/kiD8C4KtcW
— Tom Kralidis (@tomkralidis) September 13, 2014
At this point, the project will start to concentrate on finalizing the OSGeo incubation process and paving the way for CSW 3.0 support. Stay tuned!